The best updated 2013 information, tips and suggestions about Richmond bail bonds at absolutely no cost to you. IMPORTANT: If you need immediate help in the Richmond area (or anywhere else in the country), click here for our free 5 simple steps bail out plan.
For other parts of the state and for detailed bail information that applies everywhere in VA please refer to our Virginia bail bonds page.
Information For Arrests and Bail Bonds Within Richmond Virginia City Limits
In Richmond, once you have been arrested, you will be evaluated by the Division of Adult Pretrial Services. This office advises the courts regarding if bail should be given and how much it should be set at. They will first review the police records, called a screening process, and then interview the defendant at the Richmond City Jail Annex, also known as Lock Up. These people are very powerful and will determine your bail status largely based on this interview. Based on the police records and the interview they will create a Risk Assessment report and their recommendations for bail. We cannot express how important it is that the defendant be on their best behavior and put on a good impressions during this interview. They can recommend that you stay locked up, but they can also recommend that you be released on your own recognizance with no bail required at all.
If you get bail, the Adult Pretrial Services staff will stay in close contact with the defendant. In thr Richmond jurisdiction it is very common for them to require the defendant get screened for substance abuse. The Richmond test is capable of looking for up to 51 different substances.
They may also do random testing for alcohol use.
If the defendant is released on bail with restrictions on where they can go or how late they can be out, the Richmond Adult Pretrial Services will use an electronic monitoring device to keep track of them. WARNING: We strongly advise that you cooporate fully with this department. They have the authority to ask the court to order you to return to jail and they will use it.
Most arrests that take place within Richmond City limits end up at the Richmond City Jail while awaiting bail.
Richmond City Jail
1701 Fairfield Way
Richmond, VA 23223
To find out if someone is detained here call the Information Desk at (804)646-4464.
Information For Arrests and Bail Bonds in Henrico County but Outside Richmond VA City Limits
When arrested in Henrico County, the defendant will be evaluated and interviewed by the Henrico County Community Corrections Program. This department is referred to in various ways including CCP, Community Diversion Incentive, CDI, Community Corrections Resources Board, CCRB, and Pretrial Services Program.
This department will try to determine if the defendant is a risk to others in the community and if they are a risk to skip bail and flee. It is important to show them that you are not a risk to either of these in order to obtain bail. TIP: If bail has not been set yet, we recommend that you email a couple bail bondsmen and ask how to prepare for this evaluation.
Most arrests that take place within Henrico County limits end up at either the Henrico County East of West jail facilities while awaiting bail.
Henrico County Regional Jail East – New Kent County
17320 New Kent Highway
Barhamsville, VA 23011
Henrico County Jail West
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228-9768
Nothing stated herein should be construed or interpreted to grant rights or remedies not otherwise granted under federal or state law. This information is provided as a public service and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice or representation by a lawyer or bail bondsman. We recommend you email a bail bondsman for more information about your bail bonds Richmond situation.