Illinois is one of the few states that does not allow private bail bondsmen to work with bail bonds. Nor do they allow surety bail either. They must be obtained through the state, county or local jurisdictions. You will need to be able to work with the courts to post bail and they will usually require you to post at least 10% of the amount. Typically you will need to go to the detention facility where the defendant is help.

Therefore, bail in Illinois should be taken more serious than other states. You are on your own and not following the rules can result in staying in jail until the case is resolved.

Interestingly, bondsmen outside of the state of Illinois can sometimes help, especially with federal and immigration bonds. Where possible, we suggest that you get third party help. Getting bail set and posted can be a maze as well as time consuming and intimidating so it can really help to have someone knowledgable to guide you. If you do not have someone, we recommend that you email bail agents and see what resources they have in Illinois. At the minimum, they can usually refer you to a local Illinois criminal defense lawyer who can advise you.

Nothing stated herein should be construed or interpreted to grant rights or remedies not otherwise granted under federal or state law. This information is provided as a public service and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice or representation by a lawyer or bail bondsman. We recommend you email a bail bondsman for more information about your situation.

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