IMPORTANT: If you need immediate help in Chicago (or anywhere else in the country), click here for our free 5 simple steps bail out plan.

Being in a state that does not allow commercial bail bonds, Chicago bail bonds can be very difficult to obtain. In fact, if you need bail bonds Chicago will can be a very intimidating place to get them, especially if you need to go in person to a place like the infamous Cook County Jail.

Since the bail bonds process is the same across the state, please read our Illinois bail bonds page to find out how to get affordable bail bonds in the Windy City. Or if you need bail bonds immediately go to our easy five simple steps to getting bail bonds plan right now.

Chicago Holding Facilities and Detention Centers

Cook County Jail

MCC Chicago
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 West Van Buren Street
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: 312-322-0567
Fax: 312-322-1120

Nothing stated herein should be construed or interpreted to grant rights or remedies not otherwise granted under federal or state law. This information is provided as a public service and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice or representation by a lawyer or bail bondsman. We recommend you email a bail bondsman for more information about your bail bonds Chicago situation.

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