Look here first for free information, tips and suggestions about California bail bonds. IMPORTANT: If you need immediate help in California (or anywhere else in the country), click here for our free 5 simple steps bail out plan.

If you need bail bonds in the City of Los Angeles, see our bail bonds Los Angeles page.

If you need bail bonds in southern California (other than the city of Los Angeles) click here.

how does bail work in californiaCalifornia is very strict regarding issuance of bail bonds and regardless of where you are in California, bail bonds cost the same. In California the cost of bail is set at 10% by the Cailfornia Department of Insurance. So for instance, if bail is set at $25,000 (which is the average bond in California), your cost would be $2,500.

TIP: There are two exceptions to the 10% rule. There are some agencies that are allowed to charge only 8% to those who are enrolled in a union, are members of the U.S. military, veterans, or in some cases have acquired private counsel.

The second exception is federal bail bonds, in which the agency is allowed to charge 12%.WARNING: we have seen numerous lower advertised rates in California, but this is potentially illegal and we suspect that they offer a lower rate to get you in, and then add various fees to get back to the required 10%. In other words, your cost in the contract should be exactly what the quoted percent was with no additional fees. To avoid a verbal misunderstanding, we rcommend you contact the bondsman through their websites and send them an email. If via written email they can’t confirm what the percentage is, or confuse the rate with “additional fees” (there shouldn’t be any), or are vague about exceptions, then we would advise that if you go with a company like this, you do your homework and make sure that you pay exactly what they claim the cost will be and not a dime more.

California has all kinds of bail bonds such as surety bonds, immigration bonds, federal and state bonds, child custody bonds and numerous types of civil bail bonds. Almost all the bail bond agencies are prepared to handle them as well as Hablamos Español.

Bail bonds Costa MesaIn California, release times vary by the local detention centers. For instance, Los Angeles county jail can take several hours. While a small jail, may be much less. For example, after posting bail bonds Costa Mesa jail will typically release the defendant within 30 minutes.

Nothing stated herein should be construed or interpreted to grant rights or remedies not otherwise granted under federal or state law. This information is provided as a public service and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice or representation by a lawyer or bail bondsman. We recommend you email a bail bondsman for more information about your bail bonds California situation.

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